Montreal, Quebec, Canada
January 23 - March 29, 2020
Exhibition with
Beatriz Herrera and Federico Carbajal
Curator: Mariza Rosales-Argonza
Passages Convergents presents the works of Beatriz Herrera, Federico Carbajal and Santiago Tavera, who offer immersive experiences through a variety of mediums such as sculpture, drawing, robotics and digital installation. These three transdisciplinary artists conceive of art as a place of passage and exchange. Their eyes converge to build bridges between real and virtual places and thus present the complexity of the contemporary world and the many aesthetic that coexist there.
This exhibition was awarded Le Conseil des arts de Montréal (CAM) en tournée, which will is a program that supports the dissemination of the arts throughout the Island of Montreal. This support is carried out in close collaboration with the broadcasters Réseau Accès culture Montréal and ADICÎM (Association of cultural broadcasters of the Island of Montreal) and with the municipalities and boroughs of the island of Montreal. The CAM Passages Convergents touring exhibitions will run from July 1, 2019 until July 30, 2020.
Photo x Franck Billaud
Topological [Yellow] Daydream is an interactive video installation that invites viewers to interact with a trackpad to move a projected 3D render galaxy of floating houses. Viewers are able to navigate around and find inside 3 yellow houses told stories in 3 languages: Spanish, English and French. These stories narrate experiences of virtual and geographical dislocation, and shared processes of adaptation and how one inhabits and constructs the concept of home, which is often in constant flux for migrant bodies.
Photos x Franck Billaud
Within the gallery space, this project included reflective surfaces such as plexiglass and vinyl to extend the digital elements of the video within the physical space of the viewers. Viewers are invited to further immerse themselves by entering a yellow immersive video space to interact with the work and further discover stories. This installation also included a live streaming camera that allowed viewers to see the installation from a different perspective of the gallery in a TV monitor.
Photos x Sergio Clavijo
Shape-shifting Compositions:
The exhibition “Passages Convergents”
Published in n°260 – Automne 2020
29 Sep. 2020