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360 experimental film, interactive web project and

panoramic wide video installation

2019 - ongoing creative-research project

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Entre Ríos is a creative-research project that investigates ideas of virtual and geographical displacement, through the investigation of archival footage,  counter narratives, historical and topographical material along with 360 and drone technologies and various CGI techniques.  This project investigates the concept of ‘virtual dislocation’. The increase in the use of digital technologies in our daily lives magnifies our sense of ‘virtual dislocation’, as in today’s digitally mediated reality, we are physically here and digitally elsewhere. This dislocation is also the result of socio-economic phenomena which often forces migrant bodies to relocate to a different city, country or culture. These migrant bodies often live as fluid beings that navigate between memories of their past, the reality of their present and the illusions of their future.

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Entre Ríos, is an experimental video project and installation that depicts geographic and urban developments of a municipality in Bogota situated between two rivers, the Arzobispo River and Rio Negro. This project explores the apartment that my family left behind when we migrated to Canada in  2001. Surrounded by two canals, the apartment is perceived as a vessel of memories, illusions and experiences. 

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This project engages audiences with a series of aerial and terrestrial images, videos, sounds, text and geographic documents, inviting them to experience narratives of geographical and virtual dislocation, and nomadic patterns across physical and virtual borders.


As an installation, Entre Ríos is video mapped over three adjacent walls. This video project becomes an expanded cinematic experience with a 270° viewing range for the audience. The video  narrates and portrays an apartment home that appears to be uninhabited at first, but that later reveals a series of events that unfold from within. Entre Ríos is an experimental composition that juxtaposes images, sounds, video and archival material of Bogota’s topology and history, as well as migrant bird species North America. The video project slowly creates a surreal vision of a residential home space, which appears to be floating between layers of mythologies, memories and illusions of a space that was once considered home. 

Most of the audiovisual and archival material of this project was recorded and collected in Bogota, Colombia, thanks to the support and collaboration of the Institute of Geography Agustin Codazzi and the Elastic Spaces lab at Concordia University in Montréal, Canada.

(Short 2021)


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6e Édition - La Grande rencontre des arts médiatiques en Gaspésie

Percé, Quebec
2-5 septembre 

Screening curated by Esther Bourdages

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NON-LIEUX (2019)

Non-lieux is an immersive installation and VR project that depicts a deconstruction of different architectural rooms within a digital home, exposing memories that have been contained within these spaces. Through an experimental composition of 360° images and 3D graphic animations, this project narrates the virtual transcendence of bodies across different spaces. The sound of this piece comes from an experimental composition on the noise atoms make as they transform from one state to another. This VR project emerges from a field study and workshop realized by Santiago Tavera in the Fall of 2018 in collaboration with the Creata XR-Art and Science and Mutante.Lab in Bogota, Colombia. The research exploration dealt with interpretations of queer architecture and virtual bodies in Canadian and Colombian sites. 

You can navigate this 360 VR video by scrolling around the image with your mouse or finger. This work can also be experienced as an immersive VR work using a mobile VR headset. An installation of this work will be further develop in 2019.


We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien.

© Copyright 2024 Santiago Tavera

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