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ARCHITECTURE rendez - vous ART Episode 2

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Art and Architecture are multi - faceted, with knowledge that reflects upon themselves. The intention for this course is to investigate the dialectical relationship between these two disciplines; through their theory and practice, context and materiality, form and representation, culture and territory; and to explore both languages as critical practices.The seminars will provide an informed introduction to the basic approaches to the relationship of two distinct languages that historically have engaged themselves and reflected social shifts. The students will examine, learn, discuss and represent possible strategies that art and architecture have created in cultural context with knowledge. Through discursive dialogue, the seminars will provide fundamental concepts of the theoretical vs. built production, the public vs. the private, politics to poetics, from mechanical to digital through an informed perspective of art in architecture within public and private spaces from 1914 to now with historical precedents.


Digital Architectural Environments: Experiencing the Translation Between the Physical and the Virtual, in Architecture Rendez Vous Art, 2015

Essay by: Santiago Tavera

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